
Quick change of plan

I just passed my 300th post and I've been thinking about a giveaway to celebrate,
but when the fresh caught whitebait arrived for dinner last night sausages went off the menu really quickly and a salad was sourced from the garden. I just had to share the images here for your mouthwatering pleasure.

Whitebait patties:

For 1lb of freshly caught whitebait, have the children beat up two free range eggs, sprinkle in a tablespoon of flour and season with pepper and salt, add whitebait. The kids will enjoy tipping the whitebait in the bowl and giving it a stir. Mine love the eyes and tease each other to eat them raw.

Then easy peasy, put spoonfuls in a pan to fry in butter.

Come back for the giveaway next week.



My plant allies this spring are the perennial herbs.
The strong potent roots revealing and releasing their energy,
Full of promise after the cold and darkness inward,
stored potential,
anchored strongly,
bursting forth into sunshine and warmth.

This spring movement feels very significant to me in this season.


Moon waxing

Gosh look at that moon waxing.
Shall I sacrifice a sleep-in tomorrow for seed sowing?
Cucumbers, tomatoes, gourds, pumpkins, zucchini, capsicum, chilli, basil, early corn and beans in trays, sunflowers, zinnia, buckwheat, orach, cleome...
Ok I'm convinced.
Happy weekending


Where do all the hours in the day go?

Either I'm completely disorganised or it is just a myth that you gain a whole lot of free time once your youngest child goes to school. People keep asking me "What are you doing with all your free time?"
What free time ?
Maybe it's because it's spring and there's so much to do in the garden.
Maybe it's because the kids have each had almost a week off each with flu.
Maybe it's because I've been helping out at school a bit.
Maybe it's because this youngest one seems to be finding it hard to transition to school.
Leak in the hot water cylinder wetting all the sheets and blankets in the linen cupboard.
I don't know?
Roll on school holidays.


Favorite things today

A new vessel for short stems An old one for favorites.A new blanket of old favorites, finished finally for an adorable new baby.


Shaken awake

We're thinking of everyone down in Christchurch this morning, hoping they have enough food, warmth and water to get through the next couple of days.
We had some girls here for a sleepover for PJ's birthday and the shaking woke us all up. Luckily we are far enough away for it not to have any serious effects. After lots of questions and reassurance they went back to sleep.The girls helped Pj to celebrate by decorating cupcakes, making pizzas and playing games.
A very happy birthday girl.